Hey there! I'm Roldex Stark,
a dynamic full-stack and python developer.
About Me
At 19, my coding journey began as a fun experiment when I was 16, and now it has evolved into my passion and profession. Currently in 12th grade, I’m constantly learning new technologies and working to improve myself, my studies, and my code every day. I started coding in 2021, and three years later, expanded into full-stack development, including Python.
Beyond coding, I’m an astrophile and bibliophile, always aiming to be a better human being. I’m dedicated to continually honing my skills, pushing my limits, and becoming better than I was before. I will keep striving to improve myself for a prosperous and bright future, focusing on personal growth, productivity, and especially my coding skills.
My projects
A Modern Fullstack SaaS-Platform. Talk to Pdf's.
- Nextjs
- React
- TypeScript
- tRPC
- Tailwind
- Postgres
- Prisma
- LangChain
A chat group website for doing chats and group talks.
- Python
- Django
- Nextjs
- React
- TypeScript
- Tailwind
A application of mail.tm for android and ios devices.
- React Native
- TypeScript
- mail.tm
A telegram userbot for managing telegram account easily.
- Python
- telethon
- mongodb
- redis
- Object Oriented Programming
Terabox downloader bot
A telegram bot which will download media files from terabox.
- Python
- telethon
- terabox api
- Object Oriented Programming
My Skills
- Python
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- Node.js
- Flutter
- React Native
- Telegram API
- Git
- Tailwind
- Prisma
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Express
- Selenium
Contact Me
Please contact me directly at roldexstark@gmail.com or through this form.